Thursday, November 30, 2006

i just got back from the NUKS confrence in NYC , THANK YOU for il ITI7AD o Mabrook ILWI7DA...


while i was there i attended il Muntada il siyasee, o mu3'6am il 7adeeth kan edoor 7awl il fasad...
fa il kil aqar ina fe fasad bil majlis o il 7ukooma, lakin ilnouwab 6ali3aw il 7ukooma binha sabab il fasad killa o ina il nouwab malihoum shiqil kilish.... ITGI9OON 3ALA MINOO.... yuba il majlis imsharik bil fasad akther min il7ukooma.
ilmohim kil il nouwab galaw ina fe fasad bil majlis, lakin ma7ad 3a6ana il 7el...

chan agoom ana o as2al :
ishloon in7il ilfasad ili da5il ilmajlis?
shino dor il sha3b fe ilgarar il siyasee?
i7na inta5abna il nouwab 3ala shan uhma e7arbon il fasad
yi6la3 il fasad feehoum? ba3dain ilsha3ab mo majboor yi6la3 ilshari3 3alashan e7il il fasad
ishloon in7arib ilfasad itha ilnowab laheen bil muthee3a il flaniya o il banat bil jam3a; china ma 3indina mashakil iskan o ta3leem o madyooniya o be2a o shouwari3 o muroor o baladiya o o o ila ma laha nihaya...

thadroon mino red 3alay ? ma7ad ....
il na2ib Marzooq il ghanim ayeedni, ilna2ib Adel il 9ar3awi gali i7na lazim ni6la3 ilshari3 3ala shan i7na min il shari3 o il istatha iqbaal al a7med galat in'6eef mada lema inagi7 il distoor ...


yubga ilso2al, ishloon in7il ilfasad ili da5il ilmajlis o shino dor il sha3b fe kil hatha


*atkelem 3an tangee7 il distoor ib post thani inshalla

Saturday, September 16, 2006

مجلس أيام زمان
الحلقات اليومية التي تنشرها 'القبس' هذه الايام حول القضايا العربية في مجلس الأمة في الفترة ما بين 1963 الى 1976 بقلم أ. د نجاة عبدالقادر الجاسم، أنعشت ذاكرتي لأعود الى هذه الفترة العزيزة على نفسي من حيث السن والنشاط والمتابعة، أو مستوى نشاط مجلس الأمة في تلك الفترة.. اذ يلاحظ ان النقاش الذي كان يدور في مجلس الأمة آنذاك من النوع الراقي وكان يركز على قضايا جوهرية افتقدناها في مجالس الأمة منذ عام 1981 حتى يومنا هذا، حيث تلاعبت السلطة في نتائج الانتخابات سواء من خلال تعديل قانون الانتخاب ليكون 25 دائرة، او دخول المال السياسي لانجاح أعضاء محسوبين على السلطة.. مرحلة 1963 - 1976 التي تؤرخ لها الدكتورة نجاة الجاسم كانت تتسم بالنظرة الموضوعية لقضايا الكويت.. عروبة الخليج بما فيه الكويت، ومحاربة التسلل الايراني آنذاك والوقوف مع الدول العربية في نضالها ضد الاستعمار.. وكان يقود أجندة المجلس أعضاء حركة القوميين العرب التي كان للدكتور احمد الخطيب دور مميز فيها.. على ان مستوى النقاش لم يكن قاصرا على القوميين العرب، بل ان معظم اعضاء المجلس كانوا يناقشون على مستوى راق وموضوعي مثل النائب محمد الرشيد والمرحوم احمد الفوزان وغيرهما من النواب التجار الذين كان لهم دور بارز في ادارة دفة النقاش.. ويفترض ان الدول تتقدم خصوصا بعد دخول العناصر المتعلمة لكن تجربة الكويت البرلمانية لم تكن كذلك، فالمجالس تتأخر.. وتزداد الموضوعات الهامشية، وهذه ظاهرة عسى ان تتمكن الدكتورة نجاة عبدالقادر من تحليلها ومناقشتها.. والله من وراء القصد.آخر العمودوزير الطاقة لم يجمد الوكلاء بل 'ذوبهم' لأن الجو مازال حارا وغير قابل للتجميد!مشكلة انقطاع المياه من الممكن حلها من خلال زجاجات مياه ايفيان (EVIAN) او الروضتين للشرب والسباحة!مشكلة انقطاع الكهرباء ممكن حلها عن طريق شراء محولات الكهرباء!
mo7ammmad musa2d il 9ali7

Friday, July 21, 2006

the views showen in the following passage are those of its true writter . and i just happen to like them
"While the world watches silently, the Lebanese are shocked and stunned that their beautiful country can be destroyed so effortlessly and with such disregard from all the Arab leaders.The terrorising war in Lebanon continues. Scores of more innocent civilians were brutally killed. Following is a list of updates on developments of the war of destruction in Lebanon.The only difference between the terrorist tactics employed by Israel and Hizbullah or Al Qaeda is the limitless access to weapons of mass destruction possessed by the state. The open vow of the Israeli premier to send Lebanon back twenty years demonstrates a severe lack of humanity and reeks of a personal vendetta to continue the destruction waged on Lebanon from the darkest days of the Civil War. While no one disputes the fact that Hizbullah started the fight, the ruthless attacks being waged have not harmed the militia in the slightest. On the contrary, it has done nothing but reinforce their very existence. With the blessing of the U.S., Israel has waged the highest degree of terrorism upon the entire nation of Lebanon. Using American made fighter planes, warships, bombs and missiles, Israel has disregarded all compassion and reason in their unwarranted decimation of a sovereign nation.Just 2 weeks ago most Lebanese were united in an effort to disarm Hizbullah and replace the militia with the Lebanese Army. Israel's intervention into Lebanese affairs through the distribution of anti-Hizbullah propaganda and the current attempt to dissolve the militia by force is the worst possible way to solve this country's dilemma. Prior to the latest campaign to destroy Lebanon, Israel was already the undisputed public enemy number one, leaps and bounds ahead of Syria, Iran and Hizbullah. All that Israel has done is reinforced their brutally tarnished image in the civilized world. The pro-Israeli lobbyists in Washington better stock up on lip balm as they continue their promotion of murder and destruction. The damage resulting from Israeli aggression according to local estimates is in the tens of billions US Dollars so far. Israel is using the kidnapping as an excuse to destroy Lebanon, the only true democracy in the region. Israel wants to prove to the rest of the world that a multi racial, multi religious society cannot exist in the Middle East, but Lebanon has always proven Israel wrong. It is about time that the civilized world community understand Israeli intensions and stop this blatant aggression against the civilians of Lebanon.It is about time for the civilized world community to tell Israel, "enough is enough". This state terrorism by Israel will only create more hatred as mothers lose sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters lose their loved ones. If Israel wants peace, its actions in Lebanon send the wrong message to this and future generation of Lebanese.President Bush is not running for reelections in perhaps it is about time he should have the guts to stand up and be counted - by telling Israel "enough is enough".But who is the biggest loser in all of this: Lebanon and the innocent Lebanese people. The Lebanese will again have to rebuild their country on their own and accumulate more debt, in addition to the $38 billion they have accumulated so far, in rebuilding their country during the Syrian occupation.However:
• Israel will now receive more free arms from the United States, thanks to the ongoing deal that has been in effect ever since Israel was created...and the American taxpayers will again have to foot this bill.
• Hezbollah will receive more funding from Iran and the "state within a state" affair will continue. Iran is flush with cash thanks to the high oil prices.
• Syria will come out smelling like a rose. Their economy will again prosper as tourists will be diverted from Beirut to Damascus.

Time for the civilized world to wake up and say: Enough is enough. The innocent Lebanese have suffered already far too much for being squeezed in the middle of this dirty politics. If no action is taken to stop this terror, Lebanon could disintegrate and with it the last democracy in the Middle East will disappear...and president Bush could easily say" So long for democracy in the Arab World".

Tony Nader"

Thursday, July 20, 2006

According to "Al Anba'a" newspaper kuwait =

  • 1 million kuwaiti out of a total of 3 million
  • 700 000 arabs "different nationalities"
  • 16 000 americans
  • 10 000 european
  • 4 000 african
  • 1000 australian
  • and the rest are ASIANS... which is 1 million and 250000 almost

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

hathi il dawa2ir il 5 o 5ala9na minha... ilyoum ana oo MAR ri7na iljalsa oo tifirajna 3alyha.. oo walla ya ina hel awadim ili i6la3aw mu'6aharat oo maserat oo i3ti9amat .. ( ahal il burtu8ali) ili ya minhoum yin3adoun 3al a9abi3... wagait il ta9weet hatha ilyom ili 7alaw ilmajlis 3alashana oo ma iyon ila ishwaya... ilmouhim 5ala9na mina .... bes ahal il burtu8ali ma ga9araw ili ma 3indiha tshirt orange .... 9ba'3at 3umerha burtu8ali o i65alat....
ma 3alyna ana bes bagool sha'3la .... NAJIMAIN il jelsa ilyoum 5alid il 3ADWA oo 9ali7 il FU'6ALA gima bil 7a'6ara oo a3ala mustawa thagafa .... ( tara min 9iji o ma ga3id atit6anaz) 5alid il 3adwa kuber ib3ayni il 9ara7a 7eb i5ali9 ibser3a oo emashe jadwal il jelsa fa gam oo gal " 6al il 7achi bel dawair fa 5alona in9awit"... o il3am 9a7il il fu'6ala il 9ara7a af7amhoum ... kalama mawzoon bil '6ahab.... gam chan egol 7eg il rai3es " sa3at il rai2es int ideartik lil jalsa kanat '3ala6, int ma iltizamt bil lai7a il da5leya oo ili e9ari5 gam eta7acha oo yensimi3, oo arjou minik bil mustagbal inik tirja3 lil lai7a il da5li" oo gam il 5rafiy oo ishkara... ba3dain chan elif ( il fu'6ala) 3ala il nouab oo galihoum "tara ana akether wa7id feni gudra 3ala il 9ra5 oo ma a7taj microphone 3alashan ansimi3" ...
mo mithil il a5 fai9el il mislim .... gala6 oo sha5a6 bil raies oo ilrayal kuber ubooh .. 3aib gilna demogra6iya bes fe i7tram oo tagder ba3dain gam egool "hatha rai2es" ma agool ila shouf rab3ik il daynen ihmaa ili yabouna .......... ( ma3a il 3ilm ini ana sha59ean ma3a il 5rafi bes ana mo dayan :P:P)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Orange.. Not just any color. Hehehe Mad and i went to the parliment today, and the dress code was wear an orange shirt or an orange scarf, i've never been told look orange! ( Btw, wearing orange is totally optional ) Whats with the self tanning? Isn't our sun hot enough? The girls looked silly. Kil wa7da dasha il majlis full make up, diamonds, tight clothes, and the new trend the bad case of bad self tanning :P hehehe Oo Laa, e7i6oon tan lines ba3ad! Shakilhum efashil, they probably wanted attention in a good way but people did give them half of what they wanted, attention in a bad way.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

ya jima3a the site creators know that they have diffrent views and belifes and we know that we dont see eye to eye on certian issues.. bes la bud fe 5elaf .. il 5elaf ma ufsid bil wid '3a'6ia ........

ana 3an nafsi ma3a ildawir il 5 oo a3tiber il mas2ala 5al9a oo inshalla ana baroo7 ilmajlis bachir oo bag3ad oo besma3 lakini arfi'6 ini elbis burtugali wella azraq wella wardi wella ay lone thany ... ma3ana ana mita2akid ina fe il mugabill ra7 ekon ako nass wayid a3erifhoum ibyelbisoon burtugaliy oo bigi3don
kayfik 3abir 3an araik il sysasiya o ilbis ili tabbe o tabbeen o inshalla ma talbison shay intaw a7rar.. lakin wain il'3ala6 il kibeeer .... il '3ala6 lema ma it3erif mukantik bain ilnas ... ilsi3don mathalan 3arif mukana oo 3arif ma8ama fa 3alshan chithi ihwa ma erida ila ilsana lakin mo aroo7 ana ba3di shab bezir a5tirig protocol il majlis oo a 9afig 7eg il si3don oo alasin il 5rafii .3AYB hatha wa7id il rajol ilthani bil dawla oo wa7id kubr yadi... ilnas ma8amat ya jima3a
Everyone Who Supports " Nabeeha 5 " Goes To The Parliment On Monday Be There By 9:00 Am. Wear Orange But Nothing That Has Something Written On It !! Inshalla Itseer 5 !! Oo 3ugubha Nabeeha 1 !! Now We Get To See Who's Really With The 5 And Not..

Saturday, July 15, 2006

what is the story with all this political awairnees in q8 ... faj2a kil min gam esawee mu'6ahara oo kil min gam eyami3 rab3a oo sawaw mu'6ahara ... ili mu 3ajba gam e9ari5 ... oo ili nisaww il7aya gamaw eradidoun rai2s majlis ilouma da5il il majlis oo ihma jimhoour ...
walla 6ar6ara , nas ilbisaw orange oo nas ilbisaw blue oo nas a5'6ar oo nas a9far .... kil min 3abala ihwa adra ibma9la7at derta oo kilmin bi9ali7 ... la uba ako ni'6am ako i7tiram mo kil min hab o dab e9ari5 3ala il rai2s....
ba3dain kil ma 9ar shay 6ala3taw mu'6ahara oo i7tijaj 5elaw il nas itshouf shi'3ilha ilnowab intaw ili inta5abtoohoum oo intaw ili 7a6etouhom ... mo 3ajibkoum shay ro7ilhoum kelmouhom fahmouhom... il masa2el ma tinwi5ith ib hel 6arega....
ba3dain ishgi9at sa7at il erada hathi ... UBA ISIMHA SA7AT IL 3ALAM.... bela birbis bella 5arabe6 ba6aliya ... i7na dawla nin3am bil istigrar oo il demogra6iya 3indina momathala bil majlis oo il7oukoma ... mi7na mithil iltheran ili dar madarna .... ihta intaw 3abalkoum hatha '6a'36 sha3bii fa intaw '3al6aneen il siyasa akber min azraq o burtugali oo akber min ilsi3doon '6id il 5rafii... ya shabab ilq8 5ellaw il seyasa 7eg ahalha oo ro7aw marina mall a7senlikoum........

Friday, July 14, 2006

U.S. vetoes U.N. resolution on Mideast
John Bolton, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said that "in light of the fluid events on the ground," the United States believed the Qatar-sponsored resolution was untimely and out of date, and would have helped inflame passions in the Middle East.

Bush also said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad "needs to show some leadership toward peace"

WHAT IS GOING ON ... This goes against all that USA stands for ... The land of the free the world peace keeper... How can this country claim that it wants to end world conflicts and put an end to terrorism if it vetoes a cease-fire.... A ceasefire is always good no matter who is at war a ceasefire is always good. The veto contradicts the superpower diplomacy that George Bush has undertaken onto fight terrorism. How does the united states what Allies if all it makes are enemies... ALL the other countries in the security council wanted a cease fire except USA .... u know i thiink its killing the us that the idea came from an arabic country.... what does he mean "outdated" nothing is outdated in resolving a conflict and saving lives, and then George bush says that Bashar AL ASSAD has to show leadership towards peace ... well where is ur leadership mr president... Let me say one thing all that US cares for is one think its economy and the country in control of the US's economy.... WALLAH LAW MA ABE VISA MINHOUM CHAN SAWAIT MU'6AHARA JIDAM IL SAFARA

dear guest we just wanted to tell u that we love M&M's and that the initial of both our nams is M so two M makes M&M's... thats the story behind the name and we hope u like whats comming ...
Hello everybody! Welcome to our blog. M.M and M.Q. This is where anyone can join our views towards politics, sports and economy. You're all welcome here even if we have our separate ways of seeing things.
We hope to hear from all of you :) .
let it be known to all who enter this blog that this was created on the day isreal attacked Lebanon the oil prices is at 76 dollers and ZIdane appologized ..... what a day

co creator of blog